How Predictive Data Analytics Prove Reliable Facility Operations
In a perfect world, a Facility Director or Manager can focus on proactive operations and maintenance within their buildings. But more often than not, they are busy and it is difficult to prioritize issues with little to no visibility. Their typical day consists of juggling numerous equipment issues and reacting to other urgent service calls. It may seem less stressful to wait until someone complains before prioritizing a work order for repair. Facility Managers should be able to direct their staff to quickly address faulty equipment, rather than waste time trying to diagnose the source of the problems. When buildings continue to degrade, how can a Facility Manager oversee and diagnose the maintenance at the same time? They need predictive analytics to empower them to make decisions.
A typical example is a Facility manager who receives a cold call from a tenant who describes how the temperature in their space is uncomfortable. A work order is promptly submitted and the maintenance staff, armed with nothing more than a clipboard and tool bag, attempt to diagnose the issue. After some troubleshooting, they report the equipment was repaired, but the tenant calls again describing how the temperature has remained unchanged. What if there was data to verify the repair had been made? What if, instead of relying on troubleshooting, data validated the issue had been solved?
The issue was discovered, diagnosed, and repaired with confirmation, all through software. No time was wasted deploying a team to troubleshoot the cause of the issue.
Synergy’s Facility Intelligence (FI) team understands that a comprehensive plan for proactive maintenance leads to a comfortable and healthy environment for all occupants. Through Synergy’s SONICx dashboard (Synergy’s Ongoing Intelligent Commissioning), our team has helped clients with Automated Fault Detection & Diagnostics (AFDD) systems to fully optimize and integrate their Building Automation Systems (BAS) and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) into a powerful, efficient “single pane of glass.” Unlike systems that merely alert facility teams to a general problem, SONICx pinpoints the exact location of the issue, provides the root cause, and then validates the data that the problem was resolved correctly.
Synergy’s Facility Intelligence team has an easy 3-step plan to shift the building chaos into an organized and data-driven controlled facility.