Synergy’s Ongoing Intelligent Commissioning (SONICx) Dashboard
Synergy’s Facility Performance Dashboard is a rich analytics “pane of glass” that allows you to take greater control of your building management data through powerful energy analytics, real-time metering, and Automated Fault Detection & Diagnostics (AFDD). The result is avoiding building drift, and saving time and resources for your Facility Managers, cost savings for Facility Owners, and overall building management.
SONICx allows you to prioritize your building management operations through our interactive facility performance dashboard and key performance indicators (KPIs) with multiple prioritization categories, including potential energy savings, urgency, and compliance & comfort impacts.
Through the power of SkySpark, SONICx translates your Facility’s output data into meaningful building management information, alerts your team with actions that need to be taken, and enables you to make the most efficient and informed decisions.