Case Study

Building Automation System (BAS) Masterplan Moves Healthcare System Forward 30 Years

A two million square foot cancer treatment and research facility in Florida needed assistance in upgrading their existing Building Automation System (BAS), but such a large undertaking was daunting to attempt in one fell swoop. The original building, constructed in 1986, had portions of the campus that housed Building Management System components from that time. The outdated BAS did not provide any proactive feedback, its only function was controlling the HVAC systems, some security functions (door monitoring), and lighting control. Since initial construction, four major additions had been constructed to bring the facility to its current state which required the need for a viable standard for building automation.

Since initial construction, four major additions had been constructed to bring the facility to its current state which required the need for a viable standard for building automation.

The hospital leadership requested to move away from the existing building automation system for a variety of reasons, but the main motive was that it was proprietary and vendor driven. They were locked into one supplier, which gave them limited options in terms of equipment and service, and did not provide them competitive pricing moving forward. Components of the original 1986 install had begun to fail and replacement parts were difficult or impossible to find. Portions of the existing system were so fragile that technicians were fearful of causing more damage by opening or inspecting components and hindering repairs. They needed someone to create a long-term masterplanning solution; something that would set their buildings on a path of success.

Portions of the existing system were so fragile that technicians were fearful of causing more damage by opening or inspecting components and hindering repairs.

The Plan

Synergy was hired to evaluate the existing system and create a comprehensive BAS masterplan that would remain viable for the next ten years. The masterplan helped the client conceptualize the long road ahead of converting the current BAS system to a new one as well as including any future plans for new additions and/or renovations. Synergy suggested upgrading from the old, proprietary BAS to an open-sourced web-based
system. In order for the facility to develop a new BAS standard, they needed forward-thinking, technology driven options that would serve the best interests of the facility.

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